Workplace Training
Apart from the legal requirement of ensuring all staff are appropriately trained in the workplace, training staff in emergency management and workplace safety ensures that incidents which occur are dealt with correctly preventing injury and loss of production. Efficient staff are those who cannot only undertake their roles correctly but are trained to cope with situations which are going wrong.
Westland Fire offers comprehensive workplace training to develop safe work practices and teach management of a wide range of emergencies your staff may encounter. Each course is based around our proven units and tailored around the specifics of your individual workplace, emphasising the risks which are most likely to be encountered, as well as teaching all areas of the course.
Our accredited trainers are able to offer many courses and offer safety and security for risk management in your workplace. They have specialist equipment to create life-like simulations and can operate courses in our office, or on site at a time to suit your workforce. Although we have expanded our training services, these are in high demand and need to be booked in advance.
Contact our training team to discuss emergency management on your workplace.
Our training courses
Building fire warden
Fire is a serious emergency in any situation and fires in modern buildings develop quickly, spreading extreme heat and toxic smoke which need to be responded to immediately. Fire & Emergency New Zealand need to know that the building is clear as soon as they arrive and the Fire Warden in a building needs to be trained correctly to account for all occupants in a building - occupants, visitors and contractors who may be on site. Our Fire Wardens courses teach correct evacuation skills, correctly accounting for all occupants on a site and ensuring those with disabilities or those who are injured are kept safe and evacuated safely using appropriate actions.
This course is tailored especially to your building. It teaches your wardens about the fire protection in your site, the hazards in your workplace and the scenarios in a fire emergency. We then operate fire drills and de-brief wardens on correct procedures.
This course offers a cost-effective option to warden training on your site.
Chemical spill response
Any industries that handle dangerous chemicals or substances which could have an adverse environmental impact need to have a procedure to know what happens when something unexpected occurs. Prompt and effective containment of chemicals requires not only the correct equipment, but the personnel using this equipment to have the knowledge and training to be able to act in an emergency to a pre-prepared response. Where chemicals enter stormwater or waterways, this can result in prosecution of the operator on site or the building owner.
Your site may be required to prepare an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and submit this to Fire and Emergency NZ for their approval. Our trained and qualified Evacuation Scheme Consultants are experienced with the compilation and approval of ERPs and can assist you with the management of hazardous goods on your site.
We are able to develop this with your team and work with:
- Dangerous Goods Identification
- HSNO Pictograms
- Pollution Prevention
- Chemical handling
- Safe use of Spill Kits
- Types of Spill Kits
- Spill Planning and Procedures
- ERMA & HSNO Regulations
- Respirator Training
Fire extinguisher training
Apart from the fact that it is a legal requirement under the health & safety regulations that fire safety training is provided to all employees, it has also been proven time and time again that a well-trained workforce not only reduces the risk of fire, but in the event of one, will respond quickly and effectively to minimise the damage. Each course is tailored to suit the needs of the company in which it is held and all courses are tutored by suitably trained fire trainers. Each year the correct use of fire extinguishers saves New Zealand businesses millions, preserves lives and prevents injury. Small fires can spread rapidly and trained staff can help to prevent the escalation of minor fires.
Westland Fire use experienced fire training professionals who provide an exciting training experience using the latest equipment and focusing on the teaching of realistic fire management techniques. The delegates will be taught the correct selection and use of fire extinguishers via a practical demonstration where delegates will use extinguishers in real fire situations. The Live Fire component uses an electronically controlled fire simulating A, B or C class fires and provides a clean, environmentally friendly and extremely safe training platform. For additional safety, the operator holds a "deadman" switch to safely extinguish the fire immediately in an emergency.
Delegates will be able to identify and use the correct extinguisher in real fire situations and avoid risks in the workplace. Certificates of attendance are issued.
Talk to our team today about your workplace training needs today.